Issaquah Washington 5th Annual All British Vintage Car Show

The MG Car Club Northwest Centre presents their fifth annual MG Car Show & All British Vintage Car Show.

Issaquah Washington 5th Annual All British Vintage Car ShowWhen: Sun, May 24, 9am – 3pm

Where: Triple X Root Beer Drive-in, 98 NE Gilman Blvd, Issaquah, Washington, 98027

The show is open to all vintage British automobiles built in 1980 or earlier. Exhibitors will vote for and awards given in four categories: Favorite Car; Best Engine Compartment; Best Interior; and Best Exterior. Exhibitors who vote will be automatically entered in a door prize drawing. Owners of the first fifty cars to register will receive a commemorative dash plaque.

Registration forms are available at the website for download.  The registration fee is $10.00US in advance or $15.00US on the day of the show at the ‘gate’.  The deadline for mail-in registration is Saturday, May 16th.  A portion of the proceeds will benefit Life Enrichment Options, the designated beneficiary of the Drive-in.

