Australia MG Club Driving From Argentina to Alaska

There Australian MG Club Driving From Argentina to Alaskais a very good story over the King 5 News site out of Seattle, Washington, about the MG Club of Victoria, Australia. The group now consisting of five of the British built sports cars is on its way to Canada next, then Alaska.

“Four months in this car is the best way to go,” said Sue Slater, the group’s blogger.

Having first shipped their 40- to 50-year- old cars by container ship from Australia to Chile, the group’s been on an incredible driving tour from the tip of South America to finally ending in Skagway in the next few weeks. Their trip started on January 5.

The oldest car was built in 1961, the newest in 1978. Considering the 20,000-mile long trip, repairs have been necessary and ranged from the expected electrical glitches to blown head gaskets to bad bearings.

Check out the King 5 News site for a great video on the story.
