Roadster Factory Fire Results in Total Loss 1
Corporate Business

Roadster Factory Fire Results in Total Loss

The Roadster Factory, a 48,000-square-foot facility in Armagh, Pennsylvania known for specializing in classic British sports cars, particularly Triumphs, was reported as a total loss after sustaining damages in a destructive fire that ignited on Christmas morning. […]

Charles Runyan of the Roadster Factory and Coventry Inn

Sad News – Passing of Charles Runyan

I would like to say “Happy New Year”, but first we must acknowledge a sad passing. One of our own and a fixture of both the British car hobby and the British car industry has passed away. Charles Runyan, founder and head of The Roadster Factory passed away Saturday, December 22 at the age of 72. Charles was also the founder of The Coventry Inn. In 1978, Runyan started The Roadster Factory in Downtown Indiana before moving it out to Armagh. His love of British culture also extended into the restaurant field as he was the driving force behind The Coventry Inn, a replica of a British pub which was open for 25 years in Downtown Indiana. It closed in September due to a lack of employees. I do not need to tell any of you how much Runyan and […]

The Roadster Factory Summer Party - Rallye In The Alleghenies

Roadster Factory Summer Party 2017

TRF SUMMER PARTY 2017 — TRF will stick to Our Traditional Dates, August 3, 4, and 5. Cost Will Remain the Same as Last Year at $99.00 for One Person in One Car—Other Options Will Be Available.  Price Includes Driving Events, Car Show, Field Party with Picnic Feast, Event T-shirt and Lots More. Camping on TRF Grounds Is Available, Hotel Rooms Will Be Blocked. Everyone Will Have Fun Driving Cars, Eating, Drinking, and Socializing on Our Beautiful Farm and All Around the County—You Know, “The Usual Thing…”

The Roadster Factory Summer Party - Rallye In The Alleghenies

The Roadster Factory Summer Party 2016

Almost every summer, in late July or early August, The Roadster Factory holds a major British car event of its own on the Runyan farm and around the surrounding area in Indiana County, Pennsylvania. This event, known as The Roadster Factory Summer Party, grows in size every year, with several hundred cars expected in the years it is being held. The Summer Party is unique in that many enthusiasts camp on the farm during the entire three-day event. Events at The Summer Party include Drag Racing, Autocross, Gymkhana, TSD Rallye, Mountain Touring, Participants Choice Concours d’ Elegance, and opportunities for socializing.