Morgan 4/4 Receives Bridge of Weir Legends Tropny
Concours of Elegance and Bridge of Weir Leather Company partnered up once again this year to present a very special ‘British Legends’ feature, celebrating the very best of automotive design to come out of Britain over the last century. Notable friends of the Concours and Bridge of Weir each chose a British car they deemed deserving of the status of British Legend. Visitors to the Concours of Elegance were invited to vote for their favorite of the ‘British Legends’ nominated by stars of the automotive. Taking more votes than any of the other iconic models nominated, the Morgan 4/4 was named the public favorite from the British Legends feature yesterday. The Morgan 4/4, nominated by Morgan designer Jon Wells, took the public vote at the event and was presented as the Bridge of Weir ‘British Legend’ for 2018 in front of Hampton […]