One of the latest additions to the MG Car Club’s comprehensive archive is a 1/4-scale MG Magnette ‘styling’ model, and the Club is now appealing for more information about this remarkable discovery.
The model appeared, quite unexpectedly, in a Bonhams auction catalog last December, where it was wrongly described there as a ZA model from 1953. Particular thanks are due to Peter Cadman who saw the catalog and alerted the Magnette Register. Chairman Paul Batho then investigated to establish its provenance, and MGCC management quickly agreed that the Club should try to acquire the model for its archives. Finally, board member Dave Saunders was able to successfully bid for it at Bonhams on 6th December.
It’s thought the factory would have produced the model prior to making minor alterations for the ZB model, and since it’s unlikely any others survive from that time, it’s an exciting and very possibly unique find.
It is hoped that more information can be discovered about the model, which measures over three feet long. It’s now proudly displayed at the Club’s Kimber House headquarters for interested parties and visitors to take a look.
If you have any information about the model to share please email the MG Car Club with details.
The Magnette styling really did imitate the lines of the Packards of the 1940s.