The British Car Club of Charleston invites you to join in the festivities of our 29th Annual British Car Day at Memorial Waterfront Park, Mt. Pleasant, SC. As we have for the past several years, this year’s show will benefit the Garrett Academy’s Auto Collision Body Shop. Benefits from the food tent and silent auction tent will help Mike Branch and the students with much needed supplies and tools for the class. In addition to the British car show itself, of course there is the beauty of the water front park to enjoy.
FRIDAY – October 25th
Welcome Reception – Harbor Breeze Restaurant 176 Patriots Point, Mt. Pleasant 6- 9pm. Those who have pre-registered for the British car show are welcome to pick up their packets, or you may register at this time.
SATURDAY – October 26th
British Car Show – Let’s show off those British Beauties we’ve acquired and love to share. Guaranteed to have enthusiastic admirers! Enjoying all Brit beauties, not just “show” Quality cars, but also “Diamonds in the rough”.
And by the way, yes. I was there at the first of these shows nearly 30 years ago. In fact I was the organizer of that first show. But let’s not dwell on my age, but instead go enjoy the beautiful cars.