VotW – British Sports Cars in San Luis Obispo, California

VotW - British Sports Cars in San Luis Obispo, CaliforniaA little something different this week. Our Video of the Week this time is of a great looking British car shop on the US West Coast. Unfortunately, I have never been there, but I have been in enough other shops to recognize and impressive setup when I see one.

In this video, Justin Jurgens takes you on a tour of British Sports Cars in San Luis Obispo, California. You can check out the shop’s website at http://www.britishsportscars.com. As I said, I have never been to the shop and have never met anyone associated with them. However, I think that the video and the website are both top-notch, and the type of quality we need more of.

If you know these folks and or have some experience with the shop, please let us know about them in the comments below.

