Two Millionth MINI Rolls Off the Line

Mini has celebrated the two millionth car rolling off the production line with prime minister David Cameron driving the vehicle at the car’s Oxfordshire plant.

MINI LunaticsThe iconic British vehicle began production ten years ago following a successful relaunch and a large amount of public anticipation.

Over 1.5 million cars have been exported by Mini, owned by BMW, while the company’s latest expansion plans to cater for the latest generation of the vehicles takes it total UK investment to £1.5 billion.

“The two millionth Mini to be made here in Oxford is a fantastic symbol of the UK’s strength in the global automotive industry,” said the prime minister, adding that the car represents a great British manufacturing success story.

Frank-Peter Arndt, BMW board member responsible for production, added: “The most essential factors in the success of Mini are the skills, passion and dedication of our associates.”

In a novel approach to its tenth anniversary, the brand launched a special site, Mini Lunatics, where enthusiastic owners can enter their car details and enjoy a virtual tour of space based on their mileage. Prizes are also being offered, including a trip to Cape Canaveral.
