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Classic Cars

Donated MGB Roadster Aids Tech School in Charleston

From the Post & Courier in Charleston, SC. … Call this the poignant story of a local car buff’s prized 1977 roadster and the uplifting events that would follow in the past year. Eugene D. Foxworth III, a Marine veteran and a stockbroker for 25 years, died in December 2013 at age 58. Known as Foxy, his possessions included a Damask Red MGB considered in good condition and running well after an HS4 carb conversion. His wife, Cantey Foxworth, at one point last year advertised the soft-top for sale before agreeing to donate the MGB for a British Car Club of Charleston fundraiser. A drawing raised $5,000 for new tools for students at a Charleston County technical high school’s automotive classes. “It’s nice to do something like this, that makes a difference,” said Wray Lemke, a British Car Club of […]