Tampa Bay Healey Club

Southeastern Classic an Austin-Healey Tradition – Florida

Tampa Bay Austin-Healey Club will be hosting this event alongside their annual All British Meet & Auto Jumble, with whom the Classic will be sharing the car show event on Saturday. There are many Southeastern Classic (SEC) only activities planned, including a drive out to an auto museum on Thursday, a drive into Florida’s famous horse country on Friday, along with a tech session and a meet & greet hospitality downtown on Friday evening.

Conclave 2021

Austin-Healey Conclave 2021 – California

In May of 2021, for only the second time, AHCA is staging Conclave in the state of California. The Austin-Healey Assoc. of SoCal will be hosting Conclave 2021 in Big Bear Lake, May 16-21. This event promises to be the largest Austin Healey event of the year, and we are expecting over 200 cars and 375+ people to attend. […]