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VotW – The Quality Connection

Our video this week is a little something different. It is a internal corporate video from British Leyland on the importance of quality in building a car. Some may laugh at this now, but it is obvious that the powers that be at British Leyland knew the had a problem and had to do something to address it. “The Quality Connection” is just such an attempt. If nothing else, view this 24 minute video for all the period cars you will see. And try, just try, not to imagine Eric Idle, John Cleese, or any other of the Monty Python bunch coming out to stop the video as “too serious” or something. It really does look almost like a comedy sketch to us these days, but then history and perspective can do that.

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Classic Cars

30th Annual Charleston British Car Show

The British Car Club of Charleston will be holding its 30th Annual British Car Day at Memorial Waterfront Park, Mt. Pleasant, SC, just over the bridge from downtown Charleston. Wow, 30 years! And by the way, yes. I was there at the first of these shows nearly 30 years ago. In fact I was the organizer of that first show, and that show was held at Charles Towne Landing.  But let’s not dwell on my age, instead go enjoy the beautiful cars. In addition to the British car show itself, of course there is the beauty of the water front park to enjoy. SATURDAY – October 25, 2014 British Car Show – Let’s show off all those great British cars we have acquired and love to share. You are guaranteed to have enthusiastic admirers. The show is open to all British beauties, not just […]