Healey Conclave 2019

Healey Conclave 2019

Since 1976, an annual Conclave has been hosted as the signature national event of the AHCA. The location moves each year allowing members to enjoy various parts of the United States and Canada, and each local region has the opportunity to bid for the privilege of hosting the Conclave. This weeklong celebration takes place during the summer months (traditionally June or July) to take advantage of the warm days and cool nights, as well as to provide maximum access for members of any age to participate. The week consists of many events including: Gymkhana, Funkhana, Rally, Popular Car Show, Arts and Crafts, Ladies Tea and multiple banquets. This annual celebration is like a family reunion with an average attendance of nearly 600 Healey fans and more than 200 Healeys. It’s a week you’ll never forget. The opportunity to tour the […]