Classic Engines, Modern Fuel - The Problems, the Solutions
Classic Cars

Classic Engines, Modern Fuel: The Problems, The Solutions by Paul Ireland

Classic Engines, Modern Fuel: The Problems, The Solutions by Paul Ireland brings together a collection of popular articles previously published by the author in assorted car magazines. Coming out in the UK in March and the US in April, the book is based on in-depth research carried out at Manchester University, the articles investigate how classic engines respond to modern petrol/gasoline, and the results are presented here in a way that any enthusiast can understand. One chapter ranks some brands and grades of modern petrol/gasoline, helping you choose the best type for your vehicle, while other chapters present the findings that debunk some of the myths about petrol/gasoline and engines. Real data is provided to help you tune your classic vehicle, and ensuring that it runs as it should. You will be able to experience the pleasure of driving your […]