Texas MG Fall Gathering of the Faithful
The Texas MG Register will hold its Fall 2015 Gathering of the Faithful Thursday, October 15th through Sunday, October 18th in Tyler, TX. Anyone who has an interest in MGs, not just TMGR members, is invited. Registration and full details for this event can be found at www.tmgr.org. In addition to the car show, rally and awards banquet there are special events planned that only Tyler can provide: All MGs attending this GoF will participate in the 82nd Texas Rose Festival parade on Saturday morning, October 17th before the car show which will be held at the Tyler downtown square On Friday, October 16th everyone will have the opportunity to participate on a drive to visit two great car collections: the world’s largest Dodge Viper collection of Wayne Raugh; and Jerry Ball’s collection of cars primarily from the 50’s and […]