Note: The information presented was correct when the event was listed. Due to current circumstances, please check with all events before making plans to attend. For any questions about events, you need to contact the event coordinators – the staff of Just British does not have any organizational knowledge of the events.
To submit an event for the calendar, please contact us with the event details including date, time, cost and contact information. You can see a full calendar of events, by going to the Calendar.
Latest Past Events
Drive Your MGA Day
The NAMGAR has declared that this is the day that everyone who own MGAs should have them out on the road.
NAMGAR GT-44 – Dubuque Iowa
Hotel Julien 200 Main St, DubuqueThe North American MGA Register's 44th Gathering will be held this July in Iowa. The GT-44 organizers, the Minnesota MG Vintage Racers, have recently released a tentative schedule of events for the GT to be held in Dubuque, Iowa, from Wednesday, July 10 to Sunday, July 14, 2019. Note - that this schedule may be subject to change. Online registration for the event will open shortly. Wednesday, July 10 12.00pm - 5.00pm: Registration/Welcome Arrivals 12.00pm - 8.00pm: Car Wash Open 5.00pm - 9.00pm: Welcome First Timers Reception at Hotel Julien. Dinner on your own. Thursday, July 11 8.00am - 8.00pm: Car Wash Open 8.00am - 10.00am: Magnette Owners Breakfast 8.30am - 2.30pm: Wine Buffets & Baseball Guided Tour 9.00am - 5.00pm: Registration Open 9.00am - 5.00pm: Exhibits Open 9.00am - 11.00am: 1st Group Tech Sessions 9.00am - 2.00pm: Potosi Beer/Winery [...]
NAMGAR GT-43, Richmond, VA
NAMGAR will be holding their annual GT-43 (Get Together) in Richmond, VA, from June 13 to June 17, 2018. We have two host clubs: the Mid-Atlantic MGA Chapter and the Central Virginia British Car Club. The featured model at the GT will be the MGA Coupe. Please check the event website for updates including registration and hotel information.
Note: The information presented was correct when the event was listed. Due to current circumstances, please check with all events before making plans to attend. For any questions about events, you need to contact the event coordinators – the staff of Just British does not have any organizational knowledge of the events.
To submit an event for the calendar, please contact us with the event details including date, time, cost and contact information. You can see a full calendar of events, by going to the Calendar.