VotW – Bonneville Mini on Jay Leno’s Garage

Our video of the week this go-round features  a couple fast Minis at Jay Leno’s Garage. Well, I should say a fast Mini and an outrageously fast oh-my-lord-what-was-that Mini.  The show is presented, with Jay Leno, by Graham Reid of the Heritage Garage garage out in California. Graham Reid takes Jay for a ride in his vintage Mini Cooper.

I you are into Minis, or any of the derivatives, you owe it to yourself to check out Heritage Garage. They carry a great supply of Mini parts and pieces – including racing and tuning trinkets that are quite hard to come by. Plus they really seem to know their stuff.

For those of you who are not familiar with Jay Leno’s Garage, here is the official blurb… ‘After retiring from his perch atop the late-night TV ratings in 2014, comedian Jay Leno has more time to partake in one of his passions: collecting cars. That is the focus of “Jay Leno’s Garage,” which showcases the “Tonight Show” veteran’s journey throughout America as he searches for unique rides and the stories behind them. Leno explores different aspects of automobiles, including the history of iconic brands, testing supercars, checking out the latest innovations, and even offering consumer advice. He also talks with fellow gearheads, including celebrities, to learn about their collections. Leno says cars, to him, are “kinetic artwork” — rather than being stagnant, it is art that is “rolling down the highway.”
